In the Image
of Christ Tracts
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Gates of Hell" (This
article focuses on the eternal security of the believer.)
you a Child of God or are you Just Religious?" (Part
One) (Self deception is deadly
instances especially religious ones.)
you a Child of God or are you Just Religious?" (Part
Two) (Nicodemus was extremely
yet lost before he became a child of God. How about you?)
without knowledge or Apathetic Christians" (The
sad state of many today who call themselves
Christian and Halloween: Trick, or Treat?" (Should
Christians participate in pagan holidays?)
"Peace to You!" (Man
can't make peace with God, but God can, and did make a conditional peace with
"Christ-mass" (You
may be surprised to learn the true origin of Christmas.)
(Are you truly prepared to meet God?)
(Will you be ready when God raptures
the Church?)
"The Power of God?" (The
true power of God is displayed in the salvation of a lost soul, not the
circus we so often see today.)
neglected doctrine in today's professing church.)
"Barley Fields
and Bean Patches" (Is
standing firm on what some consider minor truths just
"Another Gospel"
regeneration and the Belgic Confession article 34.)
and Separate, or Worldly?" (Come
out from among them.)
"What is Man?"
made God mindful of mankind?)
Dividing Christian Liberty!"
(Free to serve God,
or license to sin?)
Greater Tragedy"
(The September 11 tragedy)
or Conveniences?”
(“you never know what’s in a man until he’s squeezed!”)
Correct or Biblically Correct?"
(Jesus was in complete control
of His life, even at His death.)
(Be on your guard.)
Real Passion" (Another
Jesus, another spirit, another gospel. (2 Cor. 11:4))