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Megan Wright
(Go to the bottom of page to read Megan's testamony)



My Testimony

One night before I became a Christian I was reading in Revelations when I came to the chapter about the Lake of Fire . I did not want to go there . I knew I was a sinner who needed to be saved from an eternal death , and that Jesus Christ was the only one who could save me from an eternal death . Later that night when I got into I couldn’t sleep . I kept thinking of the Lake of Fire and all of the sins I had committed . I did not want to lie or do any anymore of those horrible things . Finally , I decided that I wanted Christ to rule my life and got down on my knees . I asked God for forgiveness for my sins and told Him I wanted Him to rule my life .  I believed that He died , was buried , and raised on the third day . After I prayed I felt a wonderful feeling that I had been forgiven .

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